5 Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right In-line Paddle Wheel Flow Meter

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right In-line Paddle Wheel Flow Meter

by Pressure Vacuum Level Limited on June 20, 2023 Categories: Blog

In-line paddle wheel flow meters are commonly used to measure liquid flow rates in various applications. They provide more precision, are less expensive, and are simple to install. Yet, selecting the best in-line paddle wheel flow meter for your application might be difficult.

This blog post will highlight the things to consider when choosing the best in-line paddle wheel flow meter for your application.

1. Flow Rate Variables

While selecting an in-line paddle wheel flow meter, examining the flow rate range is critical. The flow meter's flow rate range should be appropriate for the flow rates predicted in your application. Verify that the maximum flow rate of the flow meter you select is greater than the projected maximum flow rate in your application. Similarly, verify that the flow meter's lowest flow rate is less than your application's projected minimum flow rate.

2. Fluid Characteristics

While selecting an in-line paddle wheel flow meter, it is critical to examine the parameters of the fluid being measured. The flow meter's accuracy can be affected by factors such as viscosity, density, and temperature. Be confident that your flow meter is appropriate for the fluid being monitored. If you're measuring a viscous fluid, for example, use a flow meter with a bigger paddle wheel diameter to lessen the influence of viscosity on accuracy.

3. Pipe Dimensions

An essential issue is the pipe size where the flow meter will be put. Check that the flow meter is appropriate for the pipe size. To achieve accurate flow measurement, use a flow meter with a paddle wheel diameter sufficient for the pipe size.

4. Choices for Display and Output

Examine the flow meter's display and output choices. Some flow meters include built-in screens that display real-time flow data. Others necessitate the use of a separate display or data logger. Consider the various output options, such as analogue or digital outputs, and if they are compatible with your control system.

5. Installation Prerequisites

Examine the flow meter's installation requirements. To guarantee precise measurement, certain flow meters require a straight pipe run before and after the flow meter. Others may need a specific orientation or mounting position. Check that the flow meter's installation requirements suit your pipe system.


Selecting the best in-line paddle wheel flow meter for your application requires careful evaluation of flow rate range, fluid characteristics, pipe size, display and output choices, and installation requirements. Selecting the proper flow meter can ensure accurate flow measurement and efficient system operation.

PVL In-line Paddle Wheel Flow Meters

Pressure Vacuum Level Ltd has been selling high-quality in-line paddle wheel flow meters for over 28 years. PVL provides these devices for various industries.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our in-line paddle wheel flow meters or other products by emailing sales@pvl.co.uk or calling +44 (0) 1892 66 44 99